The IAC program includes over 30 participating centers, and has already conducted over 20,304 assessments with more than 152,004 associated recommendations. Average recommended yearly savings is $138,280. The main website can be found here.
Preliminary Information
The purpose of this analysis is to gather preliminary information about the facility, including 12 months utility bills and available information on large manufacturing equipment, which gives the Industrial Assessment Center (IAC) team some background data regarding utility consumption and the manufacturing process.

Plant Visit
A one day on-site visit with our energy auditing team and plant representatives who will conduct the assessment. An initial interview will be held to verbally walk through the plant and identify energy savings opportunities as well as introduce the plant personnel to the details of our program. Next, a tour will be conducted and where some important measurements will be taken during this time. Categories of the assessment are energy efficiency, waste reduction, and productivity improvement.

Assessment Report
Following the plant visit, our team will research, evaluate, and develop preliminary opportunities. These ideas are combined in an assessment report that is sent to the client and to the program management organization within 6 to 8 weeks. The report also includes total savings, implementation costs, and payback time for each action recommended. We will also provide total potential carbon dioxide reduction as a result of our visit.
Follow Up
Approximately six months after the report is sent to the company, our center contacts the company to conduct an Implementation Survey to determine which, if any, of the recommendations were implemented. The implementation rate is a factor used to measure the success of the IAC program. Note: there is no obligation to implement any recommendations given in the report.