Our Mission
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $60 million in funding for the largest university-based Industrial Training and Assessment Centers (ITAC). The investment aims to reduce carbon emissions, lower energy cost, and train the next generation of energy-efficient workers. Lehigh University's Industrial Training and Assessment Center has been providing free energy assessments to small and medium sized manufacturing companies in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York for over 20 years in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy. The goals of our center are to improve energy efficiency, reduce waste and pollution, and enhance productivity for our clients. As part of our process, students actively participate in the assessment team to receive training in best-practices for energy savings.
Eligible manufacturers participating in the ITAC program via Lehigh University energy audits are eligible for up to $300,000 in grant-work via the IAC Implementation Grant program sponsored by the US DOE.

Industrial Training and Assessment Center Program
The ITAC program includes over 30 participating centers, our center has been operational for over 20 years and has conducted more than 450 industrial assessments. Our clients typically fall under these guidelines:
- (SIC) Standard Industrial Classification Codes of 2000-3999
- 150 miles from Lehigh University
- Greater than $100,000 annual utility expenses (Electricity, Natural gas, Water, Fuel Oil, Propane, etc.)
Request a free assessment today
Please fill out the form below to request a free energy audit and a team member will contact you shortly!
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Lehigh Receives DOE Support
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IAC Project Factsheets
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